Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Discovery Space is an ambitious Chinese legitimate and peaceful

Attracted launch vehicle تيانقونغ -1 eyes of the world, and viewers continued in some countries live broadcast of the launch also followed by the Chinese. Overall, the reactions may be considered unusual public opinion. Where there was a given objective assessments of the event, and there was to congratulate scientific and technological progress made by China, and there was the expressed desire to expand cooperation with China, and there are also expressed concern about the challenge facing position advanced in this area.

The biggest concern, of course issued by the United States. Where he told manager and NASA Michael Griffin recently during a hearing of the Oversight Committee of the U.S. space agency: "It (China) our competitor actual almost. If you no longer people look at us on being world leaders, I would be very concerned for the future of America."
Can not be equal to the power of the largest developing country with the power of the largest developed country. If we look from the perspective of specialization. There is no significant relationship between China for exploration of space technologies and U.S. leadership.
Americans are characterized by severe Bancgalhm world issues, and are used to dramatize the rival force to serve their personal agendas. Is it simply that China is a big competitor, and has enjoyed rapid growth, and differ in culture, customs and political system for America so that the launch of China تيانقونغ 1 news story "interesting", but became linked with the changing global architecture. The so-called "uncertainty" of the nature of the growth of China, was always issued for such people.
The American preoccupation bears a certain amount of danger. American also look for the normal growth of China Chi of its intention to misinterpretation Chinese ambition. In this context, did not hide some U.S. experts worry that if America actually keen to consider China an enemy, China could become a real enemy of America in the future.

China has always been willing to offer more than what can be contributions to humanity, and this spirit did not abandon China even in the eras poverty and underdevelopment. China, as a big country, it seeks to achieve a comprehensive development, so having special China's space program, and the launch of Tyakong 1, is not only normal. The confrontation bet changing the pattern of economic growth, ask China to pay attention exceptional scientific and technological innovation, and China will continue to allocate more investments in this area. Having entered the Department high Altknuljia, China will not stop moving forward in this area, but the future will see more achievements.
Not important attention to the quality of the power possessed by China, because this is just an aspect of China's surveillance, but the most important is to look at what China will do its strength. The thinking on whether China is able to open a satellite battlefront, in fact it is wrong thinking. Because China has always opposed the weaponization of space and space arms race, and considered it always a way they can not to proceed, and will continue to stick to the dictates of peaceful growth strategy. The China can not change its stance on the principle of peaceful use of space after acquiring its own space station.
"Inevitable domination of the state if the greater" is the theory of strategy he believes in the West, but adopted in judgment on China's growth, as it ends the inevitable error.
40 years ago, the newspaper "Newsweek" America an article talking about the "ping-pong diplomacy". And in the last article cited an interview to one education expert at American universities, where he says: "When you are aware that China, like other countries, its problems and its own ambitions, only then can the US-China relations that date back to reality." There is no doubt that this talk is of us still real to now.


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