Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nine planets

- Mercury: Mercury closest planets to the sun. Appear quickly in the morning and sky disappears quickly, in the sky of evening. Erie from the ground because it shows for several days in the year where Eicherq above the horizon. If you travel to Mercury, for example, the weight will not exceed the weight on the ground. This is not caused by the duration of the trip that Stqtaha above spacecraft, but because Mercury size less than the size of the Earth. This appeal is less than Earth's gravity. If your weight above the ground 70 kg Above Mercury will be 27 kg. The close proximity of the sun, the person it will burn to die. That revolves around itself very slowly it becomes very cold at night to freezing. And its surface scars and craters of volcanoes and valleys. Mercury has no moons subsidiary. It is very close to the sun that faces the ocean has Bddth very small solar wind that blows him and this indicates that there is air does over this small planet. - High temperature (465 degrees Celsius) and microprocessor (-184) - Faces of hydrogen and helium gases.

2 - Venus: Venus
Unpleasant place. By strong winds and high temperatures. Almost Venus such as the size of the Earth for this so-called sister land where our weight will be almost like our weight on the ground. If weight was 70 kilos, there will be 63 kg. And covered with dense cloud hides its surface from view and maintain huge amounts of the sun's heat. Venus is considered the hottest planet in the solar system. This planet like earth in volcanoes and earthquakes active volcanic mountains and valleys. The main dispute between the two faces very hot does not allow for the life of it. It also does not have a moon continued as the Earth. - The average temperature of 449 degrees Celsius. - Faces of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
3 - Earth: Earth called Greek Geia. And Tnbr land Okbralkwakb four terrestrial Group Achammsph interior. It is the only planet that is shown by the eclipse of the sun. Single satellite and over the life of the water. Considers our oasis of life so far, where she lived alone in the universe abandoned. The temperature of the earth and its climate and faces the ocean and others have made us live above. To land a single satellite called Luna (Luna). - Average temperature of 7.2 degrees Celsius. - Oxygen atmosphere and Ninrugen and Arjun.
4 - Mars: Mars
Called the Red Planet. Less than the land size., Even if your weight above 70 kg weight above becomes Mars 27 kg. The evidence indicates that Mars had no rivers, canals and lakes and even oceans of water. The Martian water leak caused it remained permanently evaporate. Today, the water in either frozen water at Qlnsota poles planet Mars or beneath the surface of his land. Qumran and Mars are Deimos and Phobos. And has the highest mountains of the earth mountains and valleys extended. And has the largest volcano in the solar system called Olympus Mons. - High temperature 36 ° C and temperature microprocessor -123 degrees Celsius. - Hoh ocean carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon. .
5 - Jupiter: Jupiter
Larger planets. Vhgmeh 1300 times the size of Earth. And his 16 moon. It is called the Greek king of the gods Zeus. If you click the buyer will become a very heavy weight. Flokan weight above ground 70 kilos will be above Jupiter 185 kg. And on the surface appear large red spot which is about a violent storm blowing 300 years ago and sweeping an area larger than the land area. The Martian surface features that component means an ocean of water and liquid hydrogen. Ocean and its cover whenever approached the planet increased intensity until it becomes part of the surface. This is not considered the Martian surface can float a boat on it. To Mars 28 moon. It is best known in Europe and Io and good Ginamad and Kalistoomins. The Mars Express orbiting the same. This proceeds night with his day every 10 - hours. For this reason, the waist Mmtoot and not rounded. Planet seems short and fat and this is more like a slice of pastry job when Evrdha quickly Alaftatra. - Average temperature of -153 degrees Celsius. - Faces Alhpedrogen and helium and methane.
6 - Saturn: Saturn
See Saturn from the ground and around the rings. Of snow and dirt. And small satellites. Because this planet is bigger than Earth, the weight Lucan the 70 Kalocalram above it becomes 82 kg above Saturn. And beautiful landscape Saturn when seen from Earth, where adorned with rings around it and that nine 169,800 miles. The planet like Mars, but younger than him. Under the withdrawal of methane and liquid helium becomes the sky to become a huge ocean of liquid chemical. And around the planet 30 moon accompanied by the largest number on the planet of the planets of the solar system. The most famous of these satellites that Atlas and Pandora Bromessis Abacis Janus and Mimas. Around of Zan several hundred episodes and is not the only one around these episodes. Stockpiles also around Jupiter, Uranus and Naton. - The average score his movement - 184 degrees Celsius. - Faces component of hydrogen, helium and methane.
7 - Uranus: Uranus
Giant planet consists of gas. Around faint rings. Yet undiscovered. Only leaning on his part, and not moderate. The word Uranus in Greek meaning king of the heavens or the king of the gods and the husband of the ground until deposed by his son Saturn (Saturn). If we traveled in a rocket it takes years to reach Saturn. Because Uranus bigger than Earth. If your weight above the ground 70 kg Above Saturn will weight 82 kg. The Saturn planet odd and different from the rest of the planets and most of the moons of the solar system. Because it detects round spins on its side. Perimeter may be under water withdrawn. And a large heart and rocky. And the presence of pressure on him is likely a Triolionat of large blocks diamonds. The Saturn-like planet Neptune. Has 21 moon five big ones. And most important Kordila and Ophelia, Bianca and Cressida, Portia and Belinda and Titania and others. - High temperature - 184 degrees Celsius. - Faces of hydrogen, helium and methane.
8 - Neptune: Neptune
Neptune meaning Greek god of water. Called Blue Planet. Even if your weight above the ground 70 kilos over Neptune becomes 84 kg. The sweep Neptune storm like the storm that sweeps Jupiter called Neptune storm dark spot marrow. Few know since when they broke away and you see from the ground. The recently discovered explorative space probes. On Neptune six episodes revolve around him. His most important satellites Triton over which it emits heat. Even now possible to identify the 8 satellites belonging to him. The most famous moon Kaleban and Sacurracs Arossber, Stibus and other. Scientists think that there is under pull Neptune perimeter of water like Uranus surroundings. - Average temperature - 223 degrees Celsius. - Faces component of hydrogen and helium and methane.
9 - Pluto: Pluto
Beyond the planets from the sun to the point of Atari from it. Has moon Sharon and size as the size of Pluto is almost the only moon. Cullen Romans believed that the god Pluto is the god of the underworld. If you are presumably above Pluto and your weight above the ground 70 kg weight will become 4 kilos. And Blotouhgmeh smaller sizes seven moons in the solar system. And the severity of childhood Many astronomers to Aiatbrunh planets but some tried to be considered guilty. Pluto is the only planet that has not visited him spacecraft beyond. This information about relatively little blurry. There is no a clear picture as the rest of the planets. There is no way for scientists only guesses around him and imagined or filmed from a distance. - Average temperature -234 percentage Drahh. - Faces component of methane and nitrogen.
Questions confused
May come to mind several questions: 1 - Is there planets around other stars, as is happening around the sun star?. Are there planets life on planet Earth? . Astronomers fact not Bkadirin to detect planets outside our solar system. Because this requires the development of giant telescopes more capable than those available to them and that اتتوفر currently above the ground to detect these distant planets or pieces that there is life outside. But scientists Ihdson that in theory there is billions of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy in which our planet is located. This requires more time. They relied on their intuition Ali data Alcolmpiotrhsp information and mathematical calculations that showed that some models remote solar systems within our galaxy recently discovered .. May contain small planets like Earth. Has discovered a hundred planet orbiting distant stars called Akazhoplanitod. It is of the kind that can not live above the magnitude and contain gas in Jupiter. But they expect the presence of small planets have the same qualities of the earth. Appreciate the number one billion planet in our galaxy could be the emergence of life above, especially after the discovery of a solar system around a star (47 Orsi Majoris) is similar to the solar system in which we live. 2 - Why planets round shape? .. Because the magnetic field emanates from the heart center planet Vicd every thing to him. The only way to close the planet's mass to the center of gravity as much as possible is to configure a spherical shape. This in large blocs Kalkwakb and stars. In a few small objects Fjazpetha and severity of withdrawal of things relatively weak. For this reason not be such objects the size Kalmznbat few spherical or rounded form and become irregular forms. 3 - Why spin the planets and stars?. The fact that the planets and stars made up of intense rallies and shrunken from CEGEP huge gas and dust between the stars. These materials in these clouds in perpetual motion even drag itself in movement to spin فيتجمع attractive galaxy. As a result of this movement seems cloud when we see it from a point near the center is going slowly. This rotation can be described as angular torque angular momentum a fixed measure of the movement of these space objects does not change. This persistence in the angular momentum explains kpf dancers on ice pant Bhrkhserbah the spindle it when combined dancer in his arms to be close to the spin axis of the body and the closer arms increased speed while retaining the highly angular momentum. When simplifies dancer in his arms less speed as an end result of the spindle movement. This is found clear in the game (Dokhina Amona) played by children. This spin cloud within a stellar group makes them shrink itself and carry with them a part of the original angular momentum. These clouds roller flattens composed discs collect their bodies and condense to be the stars and planets revolving. , There is no doubt that each planet enacted and day. Today determines duration of the period in which the planet revolves around itself. The earth revolves around the same times every 24 hours until this day. Foimha equivalent to 24 hours. And year for each planet equivalent to the number of days where the planet is taking a full course in its orbit around the sun. This enacted land equivalent to 365 days and a quarter days. 4 - Why the Madart planets around the sun regularly?. Why located in the same plane? . Why spin in the same direction in nearly circular orbits? All of this caused by the gravitational force of the sun is the dominant force in the solar system. Tattabral astronomical unit (AU) is the astronomical unit, which is measured by the distance between the planet and the sun. And one astronomical unit (1AU) is the average distance between the Earth and the sun. While Mercury is from the sun 0.39 AU, we find Pluto is about 39 AU. For this, we find years Mercury earthly equivalent to 88 days of its proximity to the sun, Pluto year equivalent to 248 Earth days orbiting the full cycle around the sun. While we find the earth revolves centered around itself a complete cycle every 24 hours, we find Jupiter orbiting itself in less than 10 hours ground while Venus revolves around the same times every 243 days Erziahat going from east to west. Finally .. These are questions scientists did not find it a conclusive explanation. Because all floating in orbit


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