Friday, December 28, 2012

Planet Atard Planet closest to the sun + votes Mercury

                      The average distance from the sun            57,910,000 miles

                                                                Ocean Planet         4,880 miles
                       Period the planet's rotation around the sun       88 days ground

Mercury is the closest planet in the solar system to the sun, and the second smallest of the planets in the system, 40% smaller in diameter than Earth and 40% larger than the moon, is smaller than Ganymede moon Jupiter and Saturn's moon Titan.

Date constitute Mercury is similar to the Earth's history, since about 4.5 billion years ago constitute a planet when formed the planets of the solar nebula by the theories of the group. Has passed the group shortly bombardment great, and early and during constitute planet characterize heart metal heavy and crust of silicates, and after a bombardment great poured lava across the land planet covered cortex old, and during this time gathering debris of rocks and stones on the planet and entered into a new phase where stabilized cortex when eased ejaculation.
During this period formed drilling and Mercury's plains and became colder, shrinking his heart and went out of lava crust cracks and formed streams and slopes and rocky outcrops.During the third phase lava flowed through the ground soft, low plains problem, and during the fourth stage small meteorites formed the surface of dust and some of the meteorites that hit the planet's surface after it formed a new dig shiny look to the observer.
Apart from some meteorites that sometimes fall on the planet surface is inactive remained so for millions of years and will continue to be to God wills.

Mercury world like the moon, full of holes, and contains a giant depressions, and many of lava. Drilling ranging in size from 100 meters to 1300 kilometers. Largest crater on Mercury is Kaloris basin (Caloris) have been identified by Hartmann and Kuibir (1962) In the opinion of scientists that any hole larger than 200 kilometers in diameter is swimming.
The basin Kaloris and of 1300 kilometers in diameter, likely was caused by a meteor larger than 100 kilometers in size hit the planet and resulted in a collision smooth mountain, up three kilometers and extrusion components surface distance of 600 to 800 miles across the planet, waves seismic after collision stationed in side the other side of the planet and produced random land area. After partially filled the hole because of the lava flow.
Mercury is known fragmented slopes that have been formed when cold and shrank a few kilometers in size, this contraction produced wrinkled crust Banhaddarat severe form of kilometers in altitude and hundreds of kilometers in length.
Most of the planet's surface is covered plains, much of it Old and has a drill had dug deeply and some of them less severe, Scientists have classified these the Xhol potholed plains and smooth plains. Plains potholed drilling less than 15 miles in diameter. These plains may be possible that they were formed from ancient lava flows which configuration. Either the soft plains are newly formed with a little digging, such as easy no around Kaloris basin. In some patches notes streams of lava soft fill those holes.
As it seems that Mercury can not be supported by the presence of water in it for the presence of an atmosphere very light Odhu temperature incendiary throughout the day, but in 1991 picked scientists radio waves and found the glitter on the north pole of the planet, can be interpreted as the snow on or inside surface, but Is it likely to be on the Mercury snow with this proximity to the sun?.
But because the planet's rotation perpendicular to the orbit, and the Arctic facing the sun always from behind the horizon, not prone deep drilling of the sun and heat, so scientists believe that the temperature in the region will always be less than -161 degrees Celsius, that degree has been able to capture steam water that flow from the planet, or that the snow has come to the planet by meteorites and comets. Snow who was held or collected and could have been covered with layers of dirt and still gives this brilliant reflection a rad Rey examination.

He notes that the sun appears twice and a half more time on the ground and the sky always black because the planet practically has no atmosphere because of scattering of light. When considering him to heaven will see Two Star Satatan, one color is Venus and the other Earth colorful Balzarkh.
Knew about Mercury that high density (density Mercury 5.5 g / cm 3 and the ground only 4.0 g / cm 3. These high density indicates that the planet 70 to 60 percent two weight metal, and 30 percent of the weight is silicate. This gives indication that the heart of the center is a 75 % of the radius of the planet and the size of the center 42% of the size of the planet.


During the 1880 fee Giovanni Schiaparelli drawing illustrates a few features for Mercury. May select that Mercury should be significantly close to the sun and the face generally steady, Moon is also close to the ground and face generally fixed. In 1962 and by radio astronomy scan radio astronomers radiation from Mercury and determined that the dark side of the planet too warm to be generally fixed to the sun. It was expected to be much colder if away from the sun always. In 1965 identified Petangel and Des Pettengill and Dyce the planet's rotation period they are 59 days relying on radar observatories. Then, in 1971, corrected Goldstein rotation period to be 58.65 days using radar telescope. After noticeable near by Mariner 10 period to be corrected 58.646 days, even though the planet is facing generally constant sun, the rotation period will be doubled to its orbital period. The planet spins and one and a half times during each orbit. Due to this reason 3:2, the day on Mercury (sunrise to sunrise again) 176 Earth days, it is possible that the rotation period of Mercury was the fastest in the distant past, and scientists believe that the rotation was about 8 hours, but over millions of years to take in slowdown emotion solar tides.
It was little information available on this planet even trip Mariner 10, because of the difficulty in his observation by ground telescopes, because its orbit around the sun for this can be seen during daylight hours or just before sunrise or after sunset.
Most scientific discoveries about Mercury came from Mariner 10, which was launched in November 1973. And reached the planet in March 1974 and the estimated distance of 705 kilometers from its surface. In September 1974 over the planet Mercury for the second time in March 1975 for the third time. During these visits, and through 2700 may photograph taken and cover 45% of Mercury's surface. Up until this time, scientists have been skeptical about the existence of the planet's magnetic field because a small planet, and became a solid position long ago. The reason seen from the discovery of the presence of a magnetic field and indicates the discovery that the planet has a heart of iron, which at least partly fluid, and is well known that magnetic fields generated by the rotation center of a fluid known as the impact of the generator.
Mariner 10 discovered that the planet has a magnetic field strength of 1% like Earth. This field magnet inclined 7 degrees to the axis of rotation and produces a magnetic field around the planet, but the source of this magnetic field is still unknown. Maybe produces iron from the heart of the fluid inside the planet. Or maybe the rest of magnetic iron rocks that had previously Magntt when the planet has a strong magnetic field during his early years and the planet cooled and solid position but the rest of the magnetic have booked inside

New discoveries

In July 2008, announced a member of a group of scientists Thomas Zorbouchn which tracks space probe Messenger that the results indicate the presence of water in the atmosphere of Mercury light, and that was a surprise to scientists with him, where it is difficult and there is on Mercury because of its proximity to the sun. The studies revealed provided by the Messenger spacecraft that the planet's diameter shrunk by 1.5 kilometers and scientists because the reason for that to slow decline to the heat of the molten heart of the planet and this process increases the intensity of the magnetic field of the planet.

As shown composite indices pictures activity Mercury volcanic in the past and also indicates measuring field magnetic to the presence of fluid in the heart of the planet, has been archaeologically evidence of volcanic activity interview on Mercury, where shown photographs taken by the vehicle and the presence of large areas of the planet's surface covered Balfohat volcanic also showed an image the crater Keiber which is located south-central Mercury has been detected circular basin with a diameter of 83 miles called Bolivnotos, images also show that the volcanic eruptions were the main reason for the formation of most of Mercury's surface.


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