Sunday, December 30, 2012

Solar (Part I)

Solar system or solar is the name given usually on the planetary system, which consists of the sun and all what is going on around objects including the Earth and other planets. The solar system also includes other smaller objects Stern are dwarf planets, asteroids and meteorites and comets, in addition to the thin cloud of gas and dust known as in planetary Albin areas. There are also consequences of planets called satellites, which number more than 150 known moon in the solar system, most of which revolve around the gas giants. But the biggest crime in the solar system and the most important of these celestial course is the sun, the star is located in the center of the system and links بجاذبيته, Victltha reach 99.8% of the mass of the entire system, as it is that radiate light and heat who makes life on Earth possible, a nevertheless not only a medium-sized star. After the sun comes planets, where there are in the solar system eight planets are in order of distance from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars rocky planets, Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (gas giants).
There are many solar system bodies that can be seen with the naked eye is the sun and the moon, and planets these objects are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and sometimes the brightest asteroids [] and comets passing also, in addition to meteorites, where can be seen when entering the earth's atmosphere and burn composed meteors. And of course you can see much more than that of the solar system bodies using the telescope.
Most astronomers now believe that the solar system was born 4.6 billion years ago from a huge cloud of gas and dust known solar بالسديم. According to this theory, this nebula began to collapse on itself as a result of his appeal that he could not compress the internal resistance. Has attracted most of the solar nebula material to the epicenter, where the sun formed therein. It is believed that small particles which remained of accumulated material with wedding-cake then made up larger and larger objects, until it turned into the eight planets, and what is left of them turned into moons, asteroids and comets.
Discovery and Exploration
For many thousands of years, humans and did not distinguish a solar system (with a few exceptions). Humans thought that the earth is fixed and form the center of the universe, and completely different from the moving objects in the sky. Although the Greek philosopher Erstrkhos Samos believed that the sun constitutes the center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to develop a mathematical model on the heliocentric solar system. His successor in the seventeenth century Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler in the development of physics concepts that led to the gradual acceptance of the rotation of the Earth around the sun, and that the planets are going to the same physical, fast moving ground. Possible development of telescopes and space probes recently discovered geological features such as mountains, impact craters and meteorological phenomena quarterly Kalgiyum and sandstorms and ice caps on planets other than Earth.
The structure of the solar system
Constitute the sun key element in the solar system, a star belongs to the stellar classification G2, and constitute the mass of the sun 99.86 of the mass of all the solar system and controls the movement of the group due to its attractiveness. Form a mass four gaseous planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) about 99% of the remaining mass of the solar system. The Jupiter and Saturn more than 90% of the mass of the four gas giants.
Most large objects orbiting the sun positioned at ground level, which is called the path of the sun. Planets very close to the path of the sun, while comets and belt Keiber objects tends to be positioned in the corners of a much larger path of the sun. Spin all the planets and most of the objects around the sun with the direction of the rotation of the sun on the same (counterclockwise direction if we've seen over the Arctic to the sun), but there are some exceptions, such as Halley's Comet. Also all the planets (except Venus and Uranus) spun around itself a counterclockwise direction if what we've seen from the North Pole. Spin Venus and Uranus clockwise. There is also a dwarf planets have different spindle rotation just like Pluto.
Shows the general shape of the solar system as follows: in the center located the sun revolves around the four inner planets are relatively small, these planets surrounded by a belt of asteroids, Talhm four gas giants in turn surrounded by a belt Keiber author of icy objects. Divides astronomers sometimes the solar system according to the structure into two main sections: the inner solar system consisting of four rocky planets and the asteroid belt, and the outer solar system, which consists of objects located behind the asteroid belt, including the four gas giants. Since the discovery of belt Keiber the outermost part of the solar system is a unique area and stationed there Bodies called Bagram beyond Neptune.Madart solar system objects according to scale (clockwise from top left)
Madart solar system objects according to scale (clockwise from top left)
Kepler's laws to describe the movement of the planets celestial rotation around the sun. And according to the laws of Kepler spin all solar system bodies around the sun in orbits in the form of an ellipse and operates the sun one Bartah. Planets orbit closest to the sun at higher speeds due influenced by the attractiveness of the sun. Different celestial distance moving on the path of an ellipse from the sun all year round. Called the point where the offense is closer what can sun Balhouded, while called the point where the offense is far away from sun Balawj. Be planets orbit close to the ring, while comets orbit and Kepler belt objects in the form of an ellipse sharp (the main difference between the two axes very large and small).
Because of the breadth group many celestial orbits about the sun suit after this celestial orbit for the next offense with some exceptions. And therefore the offense is the farthest distance from the sun located in Keiber belt represents the farthest distance between him and the offense for which preceded the solar system. For example Venus is just 0.33 astronomical units from Venus while Saturn away from Jupiter distance of 4.3 astronomical units Uranus and Neptune 10.5 astronomical units. Attempts have been made to find a mathematical relationship between these distances to try to explain this phenomenon (such as the law of Titus - iPod), but did not result in any theory to explain it.
Owns most of the planets in the solar system its own secondary. So that it spins around other objects called natural satellites, or aftershocks. There Qumran larger than Mercury (the smallest planets of the solar system). As planets surrounded by gaseous planetary rings, which are bundles of small particles orbiting the planet. Most large satellites orbiting planet in the synchronous movement so that faces one side of the Moon planet permanently.
Composed the rules of procedure of the objects mainly rock, and be all of these compounds composed of elements with high melting point such as silica and iron Oalnichael, so that it stays solid in all the circumstances of initial planetary nebula. Composed of Saturn and Jupiter are mainly of gas, which owns a very low melting point and high evaporation pressure such as molecular hydrogen and helium and neon so that it stays in the gaseous state always during nebular conformation. Owns the ice like water ice and methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide boiling point less than one hundred Kelvin. Phase depends where you are on the pressure and ambient temperature. Can be found these compounds solid or liquid-phase or ice in several regions of the solar system, while she was in the gaseous or solid during the nebula phase. . Constitute the primary composite ice vehicles to gaseous planets moons in addition to that most of Uranus and Neptune is composed of ice, so the claim giant ice, as well as huge numbers of objects which are located behind the orbit of Neptune. Referred to as ice and gas composition Palmttaar.
Morphology and evolution
The solar system was formed as a result of the collapse in the attractiveness of a giant molecular cloud 4.568 billion years ago. It is likely that these initial cloud crossed many light-years away and it is possible that it contributed to the birth of many stars.
Know the area where you started form the solar the initial sun Bsudaim, when the collapse maintained angular momentum making it spin faster. Gathered most of the mass in the center and the center temperature increased so that the top of the perimeter disk. [14] and the less haze increased circulation even began to flatten in the form of planetary disk rotor diameter of 200 astronomical units almost remains the star's initial warm in the center. Believed that the sun at this stage was a star T-bull. Studies show about stars T bull they are associated with a disk of planet initial mass materials ranging from 0.001 to 0.1 of the mass of the sun, and this shows that the majority of Knlh haze remained in the star itself. The result of the growing planets this disk.
Within 50 million years, the pressure and density of hydrogen in the heart of the star's initial large enough to start nuclear fusion reactions. Increased both the temperature and the reaction rate, pressure, and density even reached the point of hydrostatic equilibrium, so that the thermal energy counteract the force of gravity to become a sun tracking at this stage for pattern classification.
Keep the sun that we know today even begin to evolve from basic layout according Tsneev rated Hrtzhbrung - Russell. After draining the sun and hydrogen fuel surface power output will tend to decrease, causing its Tvsha downturn, Mmiada increased pressure and temperature in the core of the sun, and as a result become the burning process faster and increase their brightness by 10% every 1.1 billion years.
After about 5.4 billion years from now, will turn in the heart of the nucleus of hydrogen to helium sun to finish basic layout stage hydrogen When expire interactions has. Shrink the nucleus more, causing an increase in pressure and temperature, causing nuclear reactions of helium, which is burning in the nucleus at a higher temperature. To become a thermal output of the sun much more than it was in the basic layout stage. At this time, expands the outer layer of the sun about 260 times the diameter of the primary, to become a red giant sun. Due to the significant increase in the surface area, the surface temperature of the sun much less than it was at the stage of basic layout (a minimum of 2600 Kelvin).
Finally, Istnvz quickly Alheilom in the nucleus much faster than was draining hydrogen, so that the helium burning phase represents a fraction of the time the hydrogen burning phase. As the sun is large enough to burn elements heavier than helium, shrinking the nuclear reaction in the heart of the sun, and infiltrates the outer layer away in space to keep the sun Kgazzm white high density. The sun remains about half the original mass, but the size equivalent to the size of Earth leaked classes, the hot planetary nebula, returning some of the material that formed the sun between materials asterisk.

Sun is a star of the solar system, which is the main component and the largest bloc in the group (of mass about 332.900 of Earth's mass) density and heat produced in the heart of the nucleus sun enough for the survival of nuclear reactions, which frees large amounts of energy greatest in the form of radiant energy to outer space such as radiation Alkahromagnatisahotsal peak of about 400 - to -700 nm This package is called visible light.
Classified sun Kgazzm yellow type G2, but this name is misleading compared to the rest of the stars in our galaxy, where the sun larger and brighter. Star classified according rated Hrtzhbrung - Russell, so This categorization Batmd on representation of the stars on a chart according to shine because of its surface temperature. Generally be the stars with the highest temperature brighter. Called the stars who follow this category as a basic star pattern. Sun located in the right of the middle of this scheme. Anyway stars hotter and brighter than the sun are rare. While called the stars faded and colder red بقزم, which is most common in the galaxy and make up about 85% of our galaxy.
Believed that the sun deposited within the basic layout is in the prime of life because they have not exhausted its hydrogen fuel in nuclear fusion, The older sun, it will grow brighter, early in its history had a brightness equivalent to 70% of the current brightness.
The sun star is rich in minerals, was born in the late stage of the evolution of the universe, to contain elements heavier than hydrogen and helium of the oldest stars. Shaped elements heavier than hydrogen and helium in the nucleus of the earliest stars and explosive. The first generation of these stars had died before they could enrich the universe with these elements. Believed that the mineral-rich composition of the sun played an important role in the formation of the solar system due to be planets of metal overlay.
Between the interplanetary medium
Radiate the sun along the light charged Gesammelt known as the solar wind. Spreading particles stream outward at 1.5 million kilometers per hour approximately, forming a thin casing penetrates outside Alntam sun for 100 astronomical units, at least.] Knew this is center-aligned planets. Prejudice storms Djiumgnatisah such as solar flares and coronal mass ejection in the heliosphere and give rise to what is known as space weathering. The larger structure of the heliosphere is periodic stream heliosphere is shaped spiral arise as a result of the interaction between the solar magnetic field rotation in the middle between planetary.
Keeps the Earth's magnetic field on the atmosphere of impunity from the circumference of the earth with wind Achammsh. As a result there is no magnetic field of Mars and Venus, the air Glafhma سيفلت gradually with the solar wind. Coronal mass ejection and similar events, blowing with the magnetic field loaded with huge quantities of particles from the surface of the sun. Reacts this magnetic field and particles with the Earth's magnetic field in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and this results in the Twilight phenomenon that appear near poles Amonatisien.
Cosmic rays originate outside the solar system, and is the heliosphere shield against these rays, as are the magnetic fields of the planets (which has a magnetic field) partial protection. Change the intensity of cosmic rays in the middle between the stars and the solar magnetic field intensity during a very long time, so the quantity of cosmic rays in the solar system varies over time, but the qualitative and quantitative unknown.
The middle ground between planetary home to at least two disc-like cosmic dust. The first is the dust cloud zodiac positioned in the inner solar system and cause the light of the zodiac. It probably originated because of a collision in the asteroid belt. The second is extended from 10 to 40 astronomical units, and often they originated because of a collision within belt Keiber.
Solar system objectsJupiter, a gas giant and the largest known planet in the solar system.

In 2006, following the crisis Pluto redefined for all types of objects in the solar system by the International Astronomical Union. Has been divided into three main types: planets, dwarf planets and small solar system bodies. But there is one exception of this new tariffs and particles of solar system bodies, the satellites or disciples. Since the satellites are not classified within this species, because no difference in their physical properties, if they own separate orbits would have been classified into three types. It was within these decisions clearly define finally for all types of objects in the solar system, so as to avoid future disputes about classification bodies such as what happened with Pluto and other dwarf planets.
Known as the International Astronomical Union planet in the solar system as a celestial body:
1. Have orbits around the sun.
2. Have mass - or rather attractive - enough to create a hydrostatic balance is able to make its spherical form or aspheric.
3. Have sufficient gravity to clean the orbit of celestial neighbors.
The disciples are excluded from this definition as mentioned earlier. And celestial investigating these conditions in the solar system are: Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars (rocky planets), and the buyer - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune (gas giants). [] While Pluto and a few objects other failed to achieve the latter requirement, Victlh Pluto is only equivalent to 0.07 of the mass of other objects in orbit. For comparison, the Earth's mass equivalent to 1.7 million times the remaining mass in orbit.wind


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