Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The fact solar eruptions

There has been much talk recently in various media for solar eruptions taking place and the impact on the ground, what is the truth of these explosions and how impressed on the ground, and also where the truth of exaggeration in this topic.

The sun's activity cycle semi-regular of the sun peak every 11 years, and the peak of the current session expected to be in 2013, and where we are now approaching the peak, it is natural to see an increase in the sun's activity, and this is something that occurs naturally to the sun since God created, but our increasing dependence on technology recently made this even more frequent natural sensitivity and importance. What happened in the past few days was not only one blast, but happened during the last week almost around four large explosions on the sun, which makes topic is clear that the explosion per produces mostly three things or outputs, and each one up to land at a different time with different effect from the other.
When an explosion happens on the sun, the first thing that hit the ground is an increase in the electromagnetic spectrum of the sun, and the electromagnetic spectrum includes radio-rays and infrared and visible, ultraviolet and X-rays and gamma rays. The most serious of which is an X-ray to those used in hospitals to get a mammogram. As mentioned, these rays reach the earth as soon as we know the occurrence explosion, and limited impact of these rays excess Bhdot confuse radiocommunications in some domains used in navigation, then the storm was severe may lose aircraft and ships that use these waves (a few) contact for a period of up to a few hours.
The explosion happening on the sun, leading to accelerated particles (Bertonat and electrons) to become a high-energy too, which hit the ground after about an hour to two hours of the explosion, and this is the second output of the blast, and boils danger mainly on satellites, Vastdam this satellite particles may يعطلها temporarily or permanently, and continue this flow of charged particles with high energy for several hours. These particles also pose a health hazard to astronauts and passengers on the planes in the northern regions near the pole, but the airline monitors, and aircraft away from the area during this storm.
After about a day or two of the explosion we receive third output of the blast, a substance the sun itself, so throw sun enormous amount of its article which is about ionized gas and contains magnetic fields, and when collide this block land they cause significant disruption in the Earth's magnetic field , and thus affected the compass so, and cause formation of electrical currents in high-voltage lines for electricity networks, which may increase the electrical load on the network and lead to power cuts and even may burn the president of the network adapter, and shows the time aurora borealis. However, these major risk confined to areas near the poles, such as northern Europe and northern Asia and North America, but we in the Arab region, we are safe from these effects due to the Earth's magnetic.
Valglaf air ground to protect us from the first output and magnetosphere protects us from third output, and covers air and magnetic share in protecting us from the second output. And confined to the affected areas in the areas near the poles, and approaching us the bigger the explosion, but they stay away from the Arab region. It remains the only possibility to impressed in the Arab region is the cause of the storm damage one of the most important satellites, in addition to disturb on the moons of the GPS navigation.
Well it is no connection between the blasts and the temperature on the surface of the earth, these explosions do not lead to an increase in temperature on the surface of the earth. Over the past week has seen several explosions sun, while we were influenced by the first and second output of a new explosion we were still under the influence of the third output of the old blast. The last major explosion happened to the sun was on Saturday, 10 March / March at 17:44 GMT, and we ended influence output the first and second of this explosion, is expected to reach third output for this blast on Tuesday 13 March / March, causing disruption in the Earth's magnetic field and the effects of some of the electricity networks in addition to some of the effects on satellites, and the impact on the GPS navigation satellites and the appearance of the aurora in the northern regions, in addition to some disturbances to radio communications VHF.


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